Hey there friends!
Welcome to my blog! I am just ecstatic about writing my journey of building this new adventure. I am grateful for family and friends who are there to support me and to lift me up when I need encouragements. Lots of hard work in the future and I am going to take it one step at a time.
I finally found my niche yesterday! I am going to combine my passion of "green" living with my keen detail and artistic sense of event planning. In the current economic times, we found ourselves into D-I-Y stuff (which I love!) and I always think that by doing it yourself, you can control the materials that you use - which I strongly believe in using elements that are good for the environment.
I have to admit that my biggest satisfaction always comes when I see a client started drawing on a piece of paper about how she wanted to see it done (I love it when the creative juices are flowing!) and my role was to enhance and gave a boost to that vision! The result is rewarding not only to the client but also to myself.
Stay tuned!