Brought to you by Mall everywhere: Your Wedding. From gown selections to skin care, I saw weddings, weddings, weddings all over the Mall.
The Limited is not only selling your work wardrobe but they also sell wedding dresses. What's crazy is the price. Gowns are selling for less than $250. The bridesmaids dresses are selling for $60. Need accessories? They are selling necklaces and bracellets less than $40. But again, what you paid is what you get. The fabric is decent but the color is not applicable to all skin tones. The seams may look like it was done too quick and therefore not giving the feeling of high point in your dress search as "the one". Some brides love it. Some don't. If you are okay with all this, go for it. Otherwise, there are plenty of local bridal shops who would be happy to have you as a customer. And in return, you will be a happy bride as well. I think you will be happy regardless what you choose. You have the man whom you will spend the rest of your life with!
Digging deeper, you would love to look and smell good on your big day, wouldn't you? My favorite skincare - Philosophy - is now offering a range of products for weddings. From the oxygen peel (which I personally use eventhough I'm not getting married again) to the field of flowers shower gel to the unconditional love spray fragrance. You can basically mix and match (and bring to your honeymoon) all these products that work for you. You will feel refreshed and lovely all day on your big day.
images from philosophy.com

Ah, love is in the air! Happy Engagement and Planning!